Climbing System for Single Sided Wall

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Climbing Bracket for Single Sided Wall
Climbing sys Reduction of material and labor costs due to no need for scaffolding systems on the lower section

A TCS is required when a wall needs to be consecutively built upward. It is a climbing system for Single Sided Walls of building walls using an integrated form and support system without staging. It is applied mainly to open sections of architecture, large bridges or dock construction.


  1. ① Reduction of material and labor costs due to no need for system supports and separate working platforms (B/T).
  2. ② Safety is secured because there is no work at high levels.
  3. ③ Integrated form and support system substantially reduce work hours because the set can be moved and installed.
  4. ④ Less loss of materials. Clean sites.

TCS Installation Concept Diagram

Pour concrete using a brace frame. Install TCS shoe on pre-embedded anchor cone set. Next, place TCS on shoe and continue building vertically.

TCS Retaining Wall Concept Diagram

Use TCS for Single Sided Walls for supporting wall forms and use as work platform when building high retaining wall.